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Story Adventurers
(confidently walking to school age)

Are you ready to embark on an enchanting journey through the world of stories with your little one? Look no further than our engaging and imaginative classes designed specifically for toddlers who are confidently walking up to school age. At Story Adventurers, we believe that every child is a natural explorer, and our classes are tailored to nurture their curiosity, creativity, and love for stories. 


Our classes are carefully crafted to combine the magic of storytelling with interactive and hands-on activities. We create a safe and welcoming environment where your child can freely express themselves, make new friends, and develop essential skills while having a blast.


If you have siblings of different ages, we encourage you to book both together in our Story Adventurers classes where we will cater for both ages and stages of development.


So what happens in a Story Adventurers class?

Our experienced and enthusiastic class leaders tell captivating tales that transport your child to different worlds each week.  You will take part in 6 sensory and developmentally appropriate activities, with your class leader explaining what your toddler is learning along the way. Through the power of storytelling, we ignite their imagination, encourage active listening, and build a foundation for language development. From crafting to making props from the story, these hands-on projects enhance fine motor skills and artistic expression. Get ready to dance, sing, and move! Our music and movement activities introduce toddlers to rhythm, coordination, and self-expression. It's a fantastic way to channel their boundless energy into joyful learning. 


Our classes are not just about stories; they're also about building friendships. Your toddler will engage in group activities that promote social skills, sharing, and cooperation, fostering a sense of belonging and community. As your child listens to stories, follows instructions for crafts, and participates in activities, their cognitive abilities receive a significant boost. Critical thinking, problem-solving, and memory skills are all nurtured during our sessions.


We always finish with bubbles, extending their development. After the session there is always time for them to continue to build friendships, have a snack and a drink before heading home. 

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What will my toddler learn?


Communication and language through songs, rhymes and signing

gross and fine motor skills

getting reading to read

to use their imagination

build social skills and friendships

learning to share


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