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Story Apprentices
(birth to confidently walking)

Take your baby on their first adventures through unique stories and sensory play. Using fun, engaging and exciting activities linked to the Early Years Curriculum, we support your baby's development from day one. Our 6 loveable characters will become part of the family as we join them on their exciting journey...from visiting farms and rockpools, to zooming into space and exploring the seasons. 


All our sessions have been designed and developed by our founder Nikita Dixon, an experienced teacher, with detailed session plans that show what your baby can do. 


So what happens in a Story Apprentices class?

When you first arrive, there is always time to meet and greet other parents and their babies, giving you the chance to engage in adult conversations. Whether you choose to explore the age appropriate toys and books or sit straight in the story zone, you have the opportunity to get to know your class leader. 


We soon gather everyone together in the story zone where we take you and your baby on a unique adventure to new, real life places. Through our uniquely written stories, you will take part in 6 sensory and developmentally appropriate activities, with your class leader explaining what your baby is learning along the way. 


We always finish with our calming bubbles aiding your little ones motor skills, hand eye coordination and tracking. After the session has finished, there is always time for you to feed, change and cuddle your baby before making your way home. 

What will my baby learn?


Communication and language through songs, rhymes and signing

gross and fine motor skills

tummy time and head control

all 5 senses

familiar sounds and faces

social skills and friendships

learning to share

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